Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
"Roll of thunder..." was an interesting book that highlighted the injustices of racial discimination against blacks on America. It was a good book but it had a sad ending that probably reflected what it was like in America at that time.

The Scarecrow

The scarecrow was a strange book as it contained things like necrophilia. I enjoyed the end of it more than the rest of the book.

Go ask Alice

Go ask Alice was interesting because it provided an insight into what life was like when people fall down paths like drugs and alcohol. it showed a large change in what Alice was like at the start of the book and this made it a somewhat enjoyable read.

The Cat's Cradle

This was a strange book as it involved strange new religions, dangerous inventions and the end of the world.

Around the world in eighty days

I enjoyed reading this book as it had a lot of twists and a good plot. givin that the book was written over a hundred years a go, i thought it was quite good.